VSPN is an online community for support personnel in the veterinary profession. To qualify as a member of VSPN, you must be a veterinary technician or assistant, receptionist, practise manager, office manager, ancillary hospital staff, or a veterinary technician/assistant student or an instructor within the field of veterinary medicine under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Please go to VSPN site again (www.vspn.org) and re-register OR email help@vspn.org for further assistance.
Applications that have email addresses or passwords that are not unique to one individual will be rejected. Membership is available to individuals only.
Please include your employment information, your home information, your major job tasks and other pertinent information in the comments section. Abbreviations are not acceptable for listing work or school names. If you are a veterinary technician student or veterinary assisting student, please reply with the full name of your school, what degree and your expected graduation date and include the school's mailing address and contact phone number.
Tip: right click on web links and open in new tab/window. This way your library guide stays where you left off, to not lose your place in your searches.
All links are designed by: Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH): Web Page Title, Owner of Web Page
If there are any websites you feel should be added to any of this program’s tabs, please email libraryh@northern.on.ca.